Monday, September 19, 2011

United Nations Environmental Programme(UNEP)

           The UNO  had organized a conference related to man and environment in Stock Home of Sweden in june ,1972. This conference strengthened the concept that man has the right of surviving in healthy environment and it should be preserve for the future generation. June 5th which was the first day of the coonference is celebrated as " World Environment Days" every year.
           At the end of 1972, the general assembly of the UNO established the "United Nation Environment Program" in Nairobi of Kenya, as it headquarters. The regional office is situated at Bangkok, the capital city of Thiland for Asia. 58 countries from 5 continent are represent in the "Superme Council."
           The goverment of different countries ,scientists,traders' group, non- govermental organizations, women and young groups have been participating in its various programmes. UNEP plays special attention to make the world development activities healthy and long lasting from environment point of view. It also plays a vital role as co-ordinatorto the various

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