Saturday, March 5, 2011

United Nation Development Program(UNDP)

           UNDP has provide technical and financial assistance in all the fields of development to more than 150 developing countries of the world. It has its head office at New York. It has a country office in Nepal represented by a permanent representative,
           It helps in the development of environmental health, land protection, rehabilitation of grazing field, forest, water and the conservation of wild animals and forest products, etc.
           The topical forest is the chief and important natural source of food,shelter,medicine to increase number of people. Active people's participation is necessary for its protection and conservation. The social forest project encourages the afforestation in Thiland through providing right on land to farmers. the community forest project in Nepal development by UNDP with the joint collaboration of world bank and F.A.O. are its example.
          the environmental problems brought by urbanization and industrialization in  Nepal and the project to study the environment effect on the Arun Third Bank religion are carried with the aid of UNDP. Beside the exhibition project to central industrial pollution, to control the smoke coming out of the vehicles in Kathmandu valley, to rehabilitate sewages, Makalu Barun National Park and Annapurna Conservation Area, the community forest and private forest development project, land protection and water management etc. Project are conducted by it. It has worked for institutional development for poverty alleviation.

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