Saturday, March 5, 2011

United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)

           It came into existance on November 14, 1946, with a special objectives of enforcing peace and security in the world through educational, scientific and cultural activities and organizations.
The UNESCO has its headquarter in Paris. It consist of three organs: The General Conference, The Executive Board and The Secretatiat.
           The General Conference acts like a parliament of the UNESCO. It is the governing body. It consists of the representative in the Conference but can exercise only one vote.It meets annually and considered the annual reports of the states. It appoints member of the Executive Board through election as well as its Director General.
           UNESCO helps its member in the educational field by providing expert advice and assistance in the matter like teacher training, school construction, schooling finance, preparation of curricula and text books and other teaching materials. It also helps its member improve the teaching of basic science at all level. The "Source Book for Science Teaching " id distinguished help-book from UNESCO for all science teachers. In 1965 it invites scientists from all over the world to participate in research on the problem relating to water resources. Thus, it has promoted tourism industry of kathmandu.

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