Saturday, March 5, 2011

The World Conservation Union(IUCN)

         It is a non-governmental organization established in 1948. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural  Resources is an INGO. Recently, it has been named IUCN - World Conservation Union. It is called only IUCN in short. The head office is in the city of Gland in Switzerland. It is an independent agency formed by nations, governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations,scientists and environment conservationists. It has got 913 members from 138 countries since the month of pause 2054 B.S. Nepal has got its membership in 1973.
         The world Conservation Union(IUCN) consists of many higher level commission such as education and communication, Environmental work policy and planning, Environments laws, National parks and Conservations areas and species Protection, etc.These commission formulates world wide policies and programmes of the IUCN. On the basis of the policies and programmes of these commission, different member countries and other member agencies formulates and implement their conservational and promotional activities about environment. Individuals can also take its membership according to his/her will and can involve in the activities under the criteria of the IUCN.
        These commission creates co-ordination among the scientists, technicians and policy makers of the world. The IUCN has been Co-operate willingly by the specialist according to their time and specialisation. At present , there are more than 9000 specialists involve in different commissions.
        In this way, involving the nation,government and non-goverment agencies and organization and individuals as its members, the IUCN has been working as a conductor all over the world.

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