Saturday, March 5, 2011

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund(UNICEF)

           It was established in 1946 A.D. It is called "UNICEF" in short. It had the target to help millions of children under the war of Europe and China in the beginning. Later on, the general assembly of United Nations adopted the policy to provide long term helps to the children of developing  nations. In 1953,UNICEF was made permanent organization and it was changed into United Nations Children's Fund. But the popular name UNICEF was kept as usual without any changed. Its head office is in New York. One of its office is activated in Nepal, too. The UNICEF programmes has been conducted in 128 developing countries, at present.
          The UNICEF has considered the impact of malnutrition, unhealthy and illiterate conditions of mother as the main problems on their children since their birth. The unhealthy drinking water, slums, sortage of nutritious food, polluted environment etc.are the main factor causing fatal diseases like cholera,maleria, pneumonia, etc. The UNICEF is giving emphasis to uproot these troubles.
          UNICEF has wishes to create the healthy environment for the development and security of the children of the world. So, it has the policy of bringing improvement in the environmental conditions of the children and their family.
         The UNICEF has important goal to provide education,training and empower mother. It also works to develop the awareness   about the environmental problems in cooperation with govermental and non-govermental organization.

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